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Table of Contents


Haiti: Capitalist-Made Disaster

Stand With the People of Haiti! What the U.S. Government Isn’t Telling You

Securing Disaster in Haiti


War Escalation as Withdrawal Plan

Surging by the Minute

War, More War or Morer War

Military Doublespeak

How America’s Wars Are Destroying Our Liberties

U.S. Politics, Labor and the Economy

Decriminalize Political Speech

Guantanamo, Illinois

Hell and Dr. James

Avatar, Art and Revolution

15 Signs American Society Is Coming Apart at the Seams

Ballad of Roosevelt

Fire Sale of America

We Need Healthcare, Not Insurance

The Killer and the Kid, Healthcare’s Historic Flop

Bailout for Insurance Companies

Zakiya Somburu Revolutionary Fighter

Assassinated CIA Agents Worked for ‘Contractor’
in Venezuela, Cuba

Children in a Hostile World

Welcome to Orwell’s World 2010

The End of Poverty?


The World Hunger Problem:

The Annexation of Colombia


Bolivian President Evo Morales on Climate Debt and Capitalism

Capitalism, Carbon Trading and Copenhagen

The ‘Toxic-Swap’ Fiasco

Behind Bars

Lynne Stewart: Casualty of the ‘War on Terror’

Letter from Lynne Stewart

Protesters Demand: Drop Charges Against JR Valrey!

Justice for Oscar Grant!

Mobilizing the Movement for Justice

Troy Davis Case Raising Novel Legal Issues

Justice Denied! The Long Struggle of Mumia Abu-Jamal

Four by Mumia Abu-Jamal

Wars to Come

Children of the Torn

Colonies Still?

Wealth Care