IS Journal Writers: John Newsinger

John Newsinger

Internet Archive

As John Newsinger is still alive, this index is not an attempt to make a complete archive of his work. Its purpose is to provide an index of works by John Newsinger included in various parts of the MIA and ETOL.


December 1971: Two Nations – A Reply to Brian Trench

May 1975: Labour’s Giant Step (book review)

January 1975: Riot and Revolution in Singapore and Malaya (book review)

March 1975: The Brazilian Communist Party (book review)

January 1976: Revolt to Revolution (book review)

Spring 1981: Review of A. Cabral, Unity & Struggle and J. Saul, The State and Revolution in East Africa (book review)

Winter 1983: Revolution in Bolivia

Autumn 1984: Jim Larkin, Syndicalism and the 1913 Dublin Lockout

December 1993: Shaky foundations (book review)

January 1994: Survival of the fittest (book review)

Spring 1994: Orwell and the Spanish Revolution

May 1994: Close up on revolution (book review)

June#160;1994: On another planet (book review)

Spring 1995: Matewan – film and working class struggle

April 1995: Revolutionary riches (book review)

December 1996: From Class War to Cold War (extended book review)

Summer 1999: Scenes from the class war – Ken Loach and socialist cinema

Summer 2000: Plumbing the depths – some recent books on New Labour (extended book review)

Autumn 2000: Fantasy and revolution – An interview with China Miéville

2003: The Irish Revolution (book review)

Summer 2005: A fighter who got lost (book review)

Autumn 2005: An inferior brew (book review)

Summer 2006: Been here before (book review)

Autumn 2006: Hidden communities (book review)

Winter 2007: Wet Blunkett (book review)

Spring 2007: Liberté, fraternité, closed-shoppité (book review)

Summer 2007: Brown’s Journey from Reformism to Neoliberalism

Autumn 2007: Campbell’s blood money (book review)

Spring 2008: When old Labour went to war (book review)

Summer 2008: Not all farmers were bad ... (book review)

Autumn 2008: Philadelphia Wobblies (book review)

Spring 2009: Liberal apologists autopsied (book review)

Spring 2009: 1934 – year of the fightback

Spring 2010: Vote for Prisoner 9653

Summer 2010: 1937 – the year of the sitdown

Winter 2011: True crime stories – some New Labour memoirs (book review)

Spring 2011: Forgotten famine (book review)

Spring 2012: “Most humble day” – the Murdoch empire on the defensive

Autumn 2013: Diaries of a nobody (book review)

Summer 2014: Defusing George Orwell (book review)

Autumn 2014: An episode from the end of empire (book review)

Autumn 2015: Hearts and minds – The myth and reality of British counter-insurgency

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Last updated: 6 July 2022