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Colin Barker

In Brief

(September 1973)

From International Socialism (1st series), No. 62, September 1973, p. 32.
Transcribed by Christian Høgsbjerg, with thanks to Paul Blackledge.
Marked up by Einde O’ Callaghan for the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL).

FALLING WALL PRESS (79 Richmond Road, Montpelier, Bristol BS6 5EP) have just published a useful pamphlet by Theo Nichols and Pete Armstrong – Safety or Profit: Industrial Accidents and the Conventional Wisdom (18p plus 5p postage, 15p each post-free for 10 or more). It contains a useful attack on the Robens Committee report, though its recommendations for action by trade unionists are very weak.

Falling Wall Press are also promising an interesting title some time late this year: Huw Beynon’s Shop Stewards 1960–1972. If Beynon’s Working For Ford (Penguin Education, 90p) is anything to go by, the pamphlet should be very worth looking at. Falling Wall Press’ current list is worth a look, anyway: it includes several low-priced pamphlets on and for the women’s movement, and a critical bash at Basil Bernstein’s theories of class and language by Harold Rosen.

Penguin Books are still having a ‘sell-to-the-left’ campaign. Their September list includes Leon Trotsky’s 1905, which at 75p must be the buy of the month.

Recent paperback readers might have missed include Ralph Miliband’s Workers’ Control – about which we were a little rude in June – from Allen and Unwin at £2.25. Pluto Press (see their ad elsewhere in this issue) have an interesting new ‘book link’ series they’re hoping to expand: they’re offering paper editions of expensive hardbacks of interest to the left. Their first ‘book link’ is Rosa Levine-Meyer’s life of her husband, Levine, which we’ll be reviewing shortly. Write direct to Pluto for copies (£1.25 plus postage).

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Last updated: 3 March 2015