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Socialist Review, April 1994

Laurie McDowell


Crossing the border

From Socialist Review, No. 174, April 1994.
Copyright © Socialist Review.
Copied with thanks from the Socialist Review Archive.
Marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for ETOL.

No, not all Ulster Protestant workers are Loyalists. Surely that much must have been obvious long before now? But does that mean that they would believe in a united Ireland? Not at all.

To do that they would first have to become socialists and then understand the necessity of Republicanism from that standpoint. Manfred McDowell’s letter (February SR) showed clearly how he had reached the former but not the latter.

It used to be that those Northern Protestants who were active socialists argued in favour of retaining the link with Britain because of its bigger and stronger trade union organisation. Nowadays they speak, sensibly enough, of wanting to stay within a country with a National Health Service and unemployment benefit.

But if we were to ask ourselves if a united Ireland would be of any benefit to the mass of people who have nothing at all, the resounding answer would be yes.

The border doesn’t just run across the rain sodden fields from Derry to Newry, but through the minds of the working class: so much so that it hamstrings the struggle for socialism to an almost impossible extent. Whenever people fight to improve their lot the most important battle to win is with your workmates and other sections of the working class – across all divisions. Look at the past history of workers’ struggles in the North of Ireland and you will see how on every occasion Loyalism to the British state equals loyalty to the ruling class and division in our ranks.

It is understandable but wrong that socialists should find it abhorrent to have any alliance with nationalist politics. Yes, in Ireland we will attack the bourgeois politics of both, but we will still gladly make the choice of allying with Republicans over Loyalism.

However, while we may agree with Republicanism in so far as it confronts the ruling class, the freedoms for which we fight go further and require a completely different form of struggle. As many working people as possible have to be openly involved in arguing, demonstrating and participating in the most democratic way possible. We want control over our economic, political and social destiny. No sell out, no compromise, no nationalist, racial or religious bullshit. We want it all.


Laurie McDowell
West London

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