Workers Vanguard


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Editorials written by Richard Fidler and Ross Dowson

Jan. 8th Art. 1WV # 140 (unsigned, editorial) Young Soviet Critics tried for �Treason�
Jan. 8th Art. 2 Alberta NDP debate: a contribution to the discussion, by Ross Dowson (for a broad, free ranging debate)
Jan. 22nd WV # 141 Outcry over C-186; Ignores Quebec rights, by Ross Dowson (CLC�s inside track with Canadian Labor Relations Board)
Feb. 5th Art.1 WV #142 (unsigned, editorial) Citizens� support for jailed Soviet critics
Feb. 5th Art.2 Only NDP can fight U.S. economic control, by Ross Dowson; ��Nationalism�
Feb. 5th Art.3 Fidel (Castro) flays CP inaction (Cuban CP at Cultural Congress)
Feb. 5th Art.4 (Editorial) No concessions to pro-war red-baiters! (McCarthyite smears in Toronto Telegram)
Feb. 19th Art.1 WV # 143 U.S. control and the NDP; Alternatives for Canada, by Ross Dowson (polemic with Charles Taylor)
Feb. 19th Art.2 Editorial) �A monumental political hoax� (Ottawa constitutional congress on Quebec language equality)
Feb. 19th Art.3 (Canadian) CP admits Ukraine Russification (but clears Stalin�s heirs), by Ross Dowson
Mar. 4 Art.1 WV # 144 Who owns Canada? Report of Gordon�s Task Force, by Ross Dowson
Mar. 4 Art.2 (Editorials)The meaning of the parliament �Crisis� (tax surcharge maneuver shakes confidence in stability)
Mar. 4 Art.3 (Review):�Education in Soviet Ukraine� by John Kolasky (author�s confusion on issue of national rights)
Mar. 18 Art.1
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WV # 145 Dim outlook for Prairies, by Ross Dowson
(grocery chains behind massive increase in cost of living)
Prairie outlook; Vanguard publication fund drive
Mar. 18 Art.2 (Editorials) Pax Americana: the lesson of Vietnam; Rose Karsner Cannon 1890-1968
Apr. 1st Art.1
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WV #146 (Editorials) Expose Liberal gov�t complicity in the war!
Revolt in East Europe (Czechoslovakia & Poland); Mastering Stalinism (CPC confirms Ukraine rights violations but slander critic John Kolasky)
Apr. 15th Art.1
WV #147 (Editorials)
Who are they kidding about Trudeau (the �left winger�?)
The renewal of NORAD (ties Canada into the US war machine)
Apr. 29th Art.1
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WV #148 (Editorials) Vote NDP to power (federal election)
Editorials) Vietnam and the (failure of the) CLC; Radical pioneers (review of �The Wobblies� by Patrick Renshaw)
Apr. 29th Art.2
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   �The status of women in Canada� (brief to the Royal Commission by the LSA-LSO):
What must be done?
Birth control, abortion; write women back into history; the myth of woman�s inferiority, what determines woman�s status?
Capitalism the source of inequality; Full partnership � under socialism; Footnotes;
Some key reading on the situation of women, by Ruth Blake; American suffrage movement; on woman�s role
May 13th
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WV #149 (unsigned, editorial)
Vote Class, Vote NDP! (says B.C. big shot)
Clyne calls the line (but NDP lacks a clear class line); Socialist press fund drive: We made it, over the top!
May 27th WV #150 (Editorial) Defeat the war parties!
June 10th Art. 1 WV #151 Liberals, Tories are avoiding the issues; why they fear the NDP
june 10th. Art.2 (Editorial) The candidates (wealthy Stanfield, Trudeau, Winters, etc.)
June 24th
Art. 1 Page 1
Art. 1 Page 2
WV #152
Left groups vow to fight DeGaulle ban (Balance sheet of French events)
Statement (of solidarity) by YS/LJS
June 24th Art. 2 (Editorial) Federal elections: Win, Lose, draw, NDP votes win
June 24th Art. 3 Crisis of U.K. labor; Lessons for Canadian socialists, by Anne Macdonald (Wilson betrays everything BLP ever stood for)
July 10th Art. 1 page 1
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WV #153
(Editorial) Trudeaumania wins; NDP remains firm
NDP blocked (analysis of failure of program)
July 10th Art. 2 Vive le Qu�bec libre, LSO-LSA rally theme, by P. Kent (photos of Arthur Young and Ross Dowson speaking at convention)
July 10th Art. 3 Big gains for LSA-LSO, by Ross Dowson (57 delegates at Montreal convention)
July 29th Art. 1 WV #154 (unsigned, editorial) Trotskyists play vital role in French revolt (youth JCR in massive general strike); Campaign for end to ban (by DeGaulle regime)
July 29th Art. 2 (Editorial) The �public interest� (Trudeau refuses wage increase to postal workers)
July 29th Art. 3 Which way for the NDP? Members discuss the election, by Anne Macdonald (Dan Heap calls for an activist party)
Aug. 12th Art. 1 WV #155 (unsigned, editorial) Czechs publicize Trotskyist views; Manifesto
Aug. 26th Art. 1 WV #156 (Editorial) Czechs resisting (Soviet) invasion
Aug. 26th Art. 2 (Review) �Soldiers of the International� (History of the CP of Canada 1919-1926) by William Rodney) by R.D.
Aug. 26th Art. 3
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Maurice Spector
(1898-1968); Pioneer Canadian socialist, by Ross Dowson (biographical notes)
(continuation) photo: Pioneers in the 1920s
Sept. 9th. Art. 1 WV #157 (unsigned, editorial) Soviet occupation meets stiff Czech resistance
Sept. 9th. Art. 2 (Editorials) What the Czech workers accomplished; Another case of Canadian hypocrisy (government denounces Soviet intervention)
Sept. 23rd Art.1 WV #158 Liberal MLA in Nfld. Comes over to NDP, by Anne Macdonald (NDY paper Confrontations hails �French revolution of 1968�)
Sept. 23rd Art.2
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(8 pages)
(LSO-LSA convention Document) ��Quebec, The socialist viewpoint��
photo: Faithful servants of foreign capital�;
National struggle mobilizes Qu�b�cois workers, farmers, students�;
(some relevant reading);
"the class struggle";
(photos) “new faces on Quebec picket lines"� teachers� and hospital workers�;
(cartoon) Bertio, Le Devoir (Quebec throws all the old crap out of the window);
(photo) Quebec solidarity with Vietnam
Oct 7th. WV #159 Picton�s war on Poverty, by P. Kent (strike at Proctor-Silex)
Oct. 21st WV #160 Ontario NDP leaders compete for Left label, by Anne Macdonald (Federal and Ontario NDP notes)
Nov. 4th. Art. 1 WV #161 Challenge to labor ranks: Cost of living, by Ross Dowson
Nov. 4th. Art. 2 (Editorial) New anti-war forces (old �peace� establishment and CP being replaced)
Nov. 18 Art. 1 WV #162 A radical program for the NDP �Socialist Caucus program, by Anne Macdonald
Nov. 18 Art. 2 (Editorials) The war goes on (Johnson�s �halt� to bombing Vietnam); 4 pages �and a pledge (Vanguard)
Dec. 2nd Art. 1 WV #163 Tenants fight soaring rents, by P. Kent
Dec. 2nd Art. 2 (Editorial) Quebec: New stage in the student revolt (sit-ins follow French example)
Dec 16th Art. 1
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WV #164
(Editorials) Changes in the NDP (pressure of events shift leaders but require a socialist leadership)
End the repression of student militants!(witch-hunts and school closings in Quebec and Ontario)
Dec 16th Art. 2 Deutscher on the Jewish question (review of �The Non-Jewish Jew and other essays� by Isaac Deutscher) by P. Kent
Dec 16th Art. 3 (Review by Ross Dowson) �Poundmaker� by Norma Sluman, and �The new Indians� by Stan Steiner

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