MIA: Subject: Revolution and Anti-Imperialism in Turkey

Revolution and Anti-Imperialism in




The Young Turks Revolution

Constitutional Turkey, by Christian Rakovsky, 1908

The Turkish Revolution, by Christian Rakovsky, 1908

Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Turkey, by Christian Rakovsky, 1909

The Young Turks, by Leon Trotsky, 1909



Kemal Ataturk and Kemalism

Mustapha Kemal Atatürk and Kemalism, by Mitchell Abidor

From Atatürk to Inönü, by Burhan Bilge, 1938

The Foundations of Turkish Unity, by Falih Rifki Atav, 1939



Turkish Communist Parties


Communist Party of Turkey - Workers Voice [TKP - İşçinin Sesi]

Documents of the Communist Party of Turkey - Workers Voice

Rıza Yürükoğlu Internet Archive


Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist [TKP/ML]

İbrahim Kaypakkaya Internet Archive


Marxist-Leninist Communist Party [MLKP]

Garbis Altınoğlu Internet Archive


People's Liberation Party-Front of Turkey [THKP-C]

Mahir Çayan Internet Archive