ETOL Writers: George Clarke

George Clarke


Biography (not yet available)


May 1930: The Fight for Harry Eisman

June 1930: Lovestone’s “Americanism”

June 1931: Back of the Air Maneuvers

July 1931: Cleveland Party & Unemployment

July 1931: Pittsburgh Convention Shows Need for Unity of Fighting Miners

October 1931: ILD Mooney Meet Ousts Left

December 1931: Illinois Miners on the Go for Tom Mooney

January 1932: Swabeck’s Tour Results – Kansas City

May 1932: The National Convention of the S.P.

June 1932: G.O.P. Meets in Chicago Confab

June 1932: Mr. Seabury “Exposes” Tammany-Walker

June 1932: Wage Cut for Federal Gov’t Workers

July 1932: Demagogues and Bankers Clash in Chicago

July 1932: Democratic Party & Unemployment

July 1932: Hoover & Unemployment

August 1932: The Socialist Party and Unemployment

October 1932: Which Political Party Shall the Miners Support in the Coming Elections

January 1933: Japanese Invasion of Jehol Creates Tense Situation

January 1933: Japan Seizes North China

February 1933: Lynching Campaign Against Zangara

February 1933: Millions to Be Jobless Perman’tly

February 1933: 7 Wounded in New Mine Battle

March 1933: China Report Confirms Opposition

May 1933: Organize Fight Against Mass Evictions

June 1933: New Deal Fakers Push Inquiry into Bankers Deals

June 1933: N.Y. Anti-Eviction Conference

September 1933: Paterson Strike Ties Up Silk and Dye Industries

October 1933: A Monument to Gompers

October 1933: Silk Dyers Vote for Separate Agreement

November 1933: The Flames of the Class War in Yakima, Washington

November 1933: ‘Good Government’ Cleans Up in the New York Municipal Election

January 1934: Fascism in America

January 1934: Hotel Strike Gains Momentum

January 1934: How Pacifism Led Us into War

February 1934: Vienna – the Socialist ‘Millennium’

May 1934: On “Shorty” Buehler and Cora Duff (obituaries)

January 1935: Wall Street Cracks Whip on Congress

December 1937: Pontiac Workers Forced to Quit by Martin Machine

September 1938: The Crisis in the Auto Workers Union

November 1938: Genora and Kermit Johnson, Leading Auto Workers, Quit S.P., Join S.W.P.

October 1939: J.L. Lewis Opens Drive in CIO to “Clean House” of Stalinists

November 1939: The CIO and the Third Term

November 1939: The Last Time the Stalinists Peddled That “Radical” Line, the Nazis Took Power ...

December 1939: Stalinist Hold Slipping in CIO Unions

December 1939: What the Union Asked and What They Got in 54-Day “Lockout”

February 1940: AFL Council Pettifogs While Major Issues for Workers Are Ignored

February 1940: General Motors Had a Bonanza Year, But Its Workers Got Nothing Out of It

March 1940: The Truth About the Auto Fraction (Internal memo detailing the confusion in the SWP’s growing Auto Fraction in the UAW &#ndash; PDF)

April 1940: Push the Campaign for the New Twice-Weekly Socialist Appeal!

May 1940: Workers Asking – Who Are We Going to Fight and – What For?

June 1940: Clarke Sees Wartime Open Shop Tactics at Work in Syracuse

June 1940: Workers Are Not Falling Readily for Propaganda Blitzkrieg, Clarke Reports

June 1946: Government’s Anti-Labor Offensive Underlines Need for a Labor Party

June 1946: Labor Needs Its Own Party, Not a Third Capitalist Party

June 1946: When Is the Time to Build a Labor Party – If Not Now?

July 1946: Letter to the Workers Party

July 1946: New York SWP Announces Slate for Elections

August 1946: Build a Labor Party Now! (PDF of original Pioneer Publishing pamphlet)

August 1946: Two of a Kind – Political Swindlers

September 1946: Attempt to Bar Minority Parties from N.Y. Ballot

March 1948: Mayor O’Dwyer’s Campaign Against the Nickel Fare

June 1948: Introduction to Radio Talk by Farrell Dobs

August 1948: The Wallace Party Is Launched

August 1948: Election Campaign Manager’s Column (column)

September 1948: Campaigning with Dobbs and Carlson (column)

September 1948: Legless Vet Defies Witch-Hunters

September 1948: Campaigning with Dobbs and Carlson – 2 (column)

September 1948: Campaigning with Dobbs and Carlson – 3 (column)

September 1948: Campaigning for Socialism – 4 (column)

September 1948: Norman Thomas – A “Socialist” the Capitalists Like

October 1948: Campaigning for Socialism (column)

October 1948: Campaigning for Socialism – 2 (column)

October 1948: Campaigning for Socialism – 3 (column)

October 1948: Campaigning for Socialism – 4 (column)

November 1948: Campaigning for Socialism (column)

November 1948: SWP Campaign and Its Great Significance

December 1948: The Vote for Trotskyism

January 1953: Stalin’s Role – Stalinism’s Future

Last updated: 30 March 2023